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    A bank account is a financial account maintained by a bank or other financial institution in which the financial transactions between the bank and a customer are recorded.

    Well to get an account you will have to click Get Account to an account type then fill in all your details and send, then wait for feedback.

    Out feedback is almost immediate, as it only take 1 – 2 working days to validate and create an account for you.

    The feed back contains your account details, which includes your new Account number and other details that are necessary for your successful leverage of our Bank.

    Is quite easy, should in case you lost your password, we have got you covered, all you need do is to simply head over the bottom-left of you login form-panel, you wil see forget password. simply click it.
    You will be required to enter the correct email linked to your account. An email containing the new password will sent to you.
    There you go. you can now login.

    After a successful login process you will need to head over to the profile settings, you will will provide the current correct password along with your new desired password.
    When done you can login with the newly provided password.
    There you go..